• I Made Murdana STP Mataram
Keywords: Stripping bed, Make up hotel guest room, ef, effectivity, efficiency, scurelly


The dynamics of hotel operations are closely related to financing to obtain profits. Various tactics and strategies were implemented, including tightening job evaluations. The housekeeping linen category is prone to losses in hotels and needs to be controlled in the implementation of its duties, one of which is the bed stripping process. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Observational, interviews, FGDs, and empirical approaches were used for data collection. Determining the members of an Indonesia housekeeper association (IHKA) and the various management levels of hotel operational are used a purposive nethod. This study justifies the central role of stripping beds in controlling damaged linen during housekeeping operational. This research also found a significant relationship between the influence of stripping beds on competency, expenditure, budget control, and hotel profitability. The results also confirm the critical purpose of stripping beds in three aspects: efficiency, effectiveness, and safety


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How to Cite
Murdana, I. M. (2024) “A TOURISM & HOSPITALITY PERSPEKTIF”, Jurnal Ilmiah Hospitality, 13(1), pp. 237-250. doi: 10.47492/jih.v13i1.3396.