The aim of this research is to analyse the factors involved in the use of code-switching among waiter and staff at Amber Beach Resort's restaurant operations. The data collection methods used in this research include a documentation study based on various theoretical references obtained from books, scientific articles, and both print and online media. Secondly, in-depth interviews were conducted with informants, specifically waiters and waitress at the Amber Resort Lombok restaurant in Indonesia. Thirdly, direct observations were made at the research location by observing the service process carried out by the restaurant staff and the use of language transfer while providing services to guests. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that the researcher identified four factors involved in code-switching among the waitstaff at the Amber restaurant. These four factors are participants (greeters and receivers), setting, topic, and function. The factors align with the theoretical framework previously described and are reflected in the real activities at Amber Resort. It was observed that participants come from the same work area and situation. Code-switching occurs among waiters and managers on specific topics related to restaurant and hotel management. They use code-switching for repetition and clarification, to emphasize points (express solidarity), to show tolerance by clarifying speech content for the interlocutor, and to refine or strengthen requests or orders.
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[12] Stapa, S. H., & Khan, N. N. B. S. (2016). Functions of code-switching: A case study of a mixed Malay-Chinese family in the home domain. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24(February), 181–194.
[13] Suhardianto, S., & Afriana, A. (2022). the Types and Factors of Code Switching in “English Time” Course. IdeBahasa, 4(1), 53–62.
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[15] Wibowo, A. I., Yuniasih, I., & Nelfianti, F. (2017). Analysis of Types Code Switching and Code Mixing by the Sixth President of Republic Indoneia’s Speech at the National of Independence Day. Progressive, XII(2), 13–22.
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[1] Adlan Asyraff. (2023). Linguistic Code Switching: Pros & Cons - Intelek Talent Solutions. Retrieved October 11, 2023, from
[2] Artiasih, P., & Jayantini, I. G. A. S. R. (2022). Code Switching Found in Researchers’ Whatsapp Group “Sitadewiku”: How Does Code Switching Occur? Jurnal Basis, 9(2), 193–203.
[3] Deckert, S. K., & Vickers, C. H. (2011). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.
[4] El-saghir, K. (2010). Code-switching in sociolinguistic studies: Review and analysis. LIN 5770–Sociolinguistics, (February), 1–7.
[5] Hamdan, H. (2023). Functions of student code-switching in a Bruneian classroom. Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 23(1), 55–69.
[6] Hana, M., Sarwiji, S., & Sumarwati. (2019). Alih Kode Dan Campur Kode Dalam Interaksi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di Sma Negeri 7 Surakarta. BASASTRA Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya, 07(02), 62–71.
[7] Julia Childs Heyl, M. (n.d.). Code Switching: How and Why It Happens. Retrieved October 11, 2023, from
[8] Kabuto, B. (2010). Code-switching during parent-child reading interactions: Taking multiple theoretical perspectives. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 10(2), 131–157.
[9] Mary, G. (2022). Code-switching in the Workplace: Everything Companies Need to Know. Retrieved from
[10] Mary Glowacka. (2022). Code-switching in the Workplace: Everything Companies Need to Know. Retrieved October 11, 2023, from
[11] Munandar, A. (2018). Alih Kode Dan Campur Kode Dalam Interaksi Masyarakat Terminal Mallengkeri Kota Makassar. Fakultas Bahasa Dan Sastra, Universitas Negeri Makassar, (1), 430–439.
[12] Stapa, S. H., & Khan, N. N. B. S. (2016). Functions of code-switching: A case study of a mixed Malay-Chinese family in the home domain. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24(February), 181–194.
[13] Suhardianto, S., & Afriana, A. (2022). the Types and Factors of Code Switching in “English Time” Course. IdeBahasa, 4(1), 53–62.
[14] van Romburgh, M. (2022). Code-Switching in the Classroom | Benefits, Example & Use - Video & Lesson Transcript | Retrieved from
[15] Wibowo, A. I., Yuniasih, I., & Nelfianti, F. (2017). Analysis of Types Code Switching and Code Mixing by the Sixth President of Republic Indoneia’s Speech at the National of Independence Day. Progressive, XII(2), 13–22.
[16] Wikipedia. (2023). Code-switching -. Retrieved from