Arterial hypertension that is often not recognized can cause complications of damage to vital organs that threaten the quality of life. Approximately 70% of people with hypertension do not even know that they have high blood pressure and do not perform a physical examination. High blood pressure, dubbed the "silent killer" is a silent killer because it does not cause specific symptoms. The prevalence of hypertension based on the measurement results in the population aged 18 years was 34.1%, the highest in the southern tranquility (44.1%). The lowest in Papua is the same (22.2%). Hypertension occurred in the age group of 3144 (31.6%), 4554 years (45.3%), 5564 years (55.2%). Hypertension prevalence. Indonesia means 31.7%. This research is a quantitative research using a descriptive correlational design with a cross sectional study approach with a sample size of 43 respondents. The results showed that the variables that correlated knowledge with quality of life in hypertension patients at the Puskesmas Ngoro II based on the Chi-Square Test (p value = 0.010)
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