Prurilingualism refers to languages not as objects but from the point of view of those who speak them and it refers to the opposite of monolingualism. Furthermore, this concept emphasizes paralinguistic skills to eliminate native speaker as an final goal based on diversity and cultural repertoire. This terms was developed by the Council of Europe to deconstruct the language predominance in multicultural has reflected through french language among unity of francophone. This term associated to historical, geographic, ideological, cultural, and linguistic significance alienation with France as the basis of official language in international organization of Francophonie (OIF). Francophone has been globalized transcends the boundaries as part of french speakers to enhance speaking skill quality and quantity of the speaker. It is based on nonverbal attractiveness that has become an Indo-European language trait albeit it hampered by the speaker’s lack of knowledge, even the nonverbal actor is the key of prurilingualism succeeds as competency language standardization. Prurilingualism as an approach to the idealism of language acquisition and sustaining French exclusive depiction in the world. Through the analytical descriptive method, this study aims to describe the prurilingualism as an effort to deconstruct the language abilities based on nonverbal approach in the process of integrating the French speakers in Indonesia.
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