• Alex Erwin Sitanggang Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga
Keywords: Dukungan Sosial, Karier, Mahasiswa Rantau


This study aimed to determine the relationship between peer social support and career decision making self-efficacy among overseas students. The hypothesis in this study is that there is a positive relationship between peer social support and career decision self-efficacy in overseas students. Participants in this research were 100 students with an age range of 20-25 years. Data collection method via online survey or Google form. This study used two adaptation scales for data collection, namely The Social Provisions Scale to measure peer social support and the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form (CDSE-SF) to measure career decision self-efficacy. The scale test produced a fairly good reliability coefficient with a Cronbach alpha value of 0.903 on The Social Provisions Scale and CDSE-SF of 0.933. research data were analyzed using SPSS version 25. The results of data analysis showed that the hypothesis in this study was accepted, namely that there was a positive relationship between peer social support and career decision self-efficacy. This was indicated by a positive coefficient value of 0.382 with a significance level ( p<0.00)


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How to Cite
Sitanggang, A. (2023) “HUBUNGAN ANTARA DUKUNGAN SOSIAL TEMAN SEBAYA DENGAN EFIKASI DIRI KEPUTUSAN KARIER PADA MAHASISWA RANTAU”, Jurnal Ilmiah Hospitality, 12(2), pp. 883-892. doi: 10.47492/jih.v12i2.2988.