Ma'had Al-Zaytun is an Islamic boarding school-based educational institution. In fact, educational institutions certainly facilitate anyone who wants to study there because it is a citizen's right guaranteed by the constitution. The aim of Islamic boarding school education is to instill faith and devotion to Allah SWT. noble morals, as well as Islamic boarding school traditions to develop abilities, knowledge and skills so that they become experts in Islamic religious knowledge and become Muslims who have the skills to build an Islamic life in society. Islamic boarding schools are always identified with boarding school facilities as a means of education in forming the character of students. The boarding school education method at Ma'had Al-Zaytun also has its own urgency in forming the character of students. So that the character of the students is formed in line with Ma'had Al-Zaytun's motto, namely students who are healthy, intelligent and humane. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques based on observations, observations and interviews with related parties.
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