This research is a qualitative and quantitative research (mixed method). Qualitative data is obtained from a library study (literature review) of books, journals, magazines and online resources related to the topic required. As a special educational institution, it has strong socio-historical roots that enable it to occupy a central position in the world of science, while also being able to survive in the midst of a stream of change. The delegation has a mission to pronounce scholars as followers of the prophetic tradition (al-‘ulamâ’ warasat al-anbiyâ’) that upholds the values of humanity. (humanisme). Islamic humanism can be explored by restoring religious adherence to human values, namely by placing human beings as subjects and objects and placing religion as the spirit of life that runs in harmony with the vision of humanity. Religion must be placed in its transcendental and vertical position (habl min Allah) at the same time as its horizontal and humanistic dimension that is human-oriented and in order to meet the expectations of humanity.
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