Currently, information technology can be used to support the sales system of E-Commerce. One type of E-Commerce that is currently overgrowing in Indonesia is Tokopedia. The marketing strategy for increasing sales must be considered to influence customer satisfaction. Therefore, this study aims to simultaneously and partially analyze the effect of Perceived System Quality, Ease of Transactions, and Sales Promotion on Tokopedia Customer Satisfaction in Jabodetabek. This research was carried out using a quantitative approach method by distributing questionnaires to 300 respondents as a sample of the sample results collected from 300 respondents, which could be used in this study. The population of this research is Tokopedia customers in Jabodetabek. This sampling can be based on the non-probability sampling method. Secondary data was taken using literature studies, such as journals, papers, e-books, and magazines. The primary data was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 26 software. The results of the classical assumption test show that the regression model meets the assumptions: the residuals are normally distributed, there is no heteroscedasticity, and there is no multicollinearity. The results of multiple regression analysis show that the regression model can be used to predict customer satisfaction, and based on the t-test, it can be concluded that the Perceived Quality of Application Systems, Ease of Transactions, and Sales Promotion has a significance value below 0,050, so the hypothesis is accepted. This study concludes that perceptions of application system quality, ease of transaction, and sales promotion positively and significantly influence Tokopedia customer satisfaction (survey of Tokopedia customers in Jabodetabek[1]).
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